
Replanted provides support to foster, kinship, and adoptive families and empowers the church to play an active role to help.


  • Adoptive, foster, and kinship parents feel unsupported as they struggle to meet the complex needs created by the grief, loss, and trauma experienced by children in their care.

  • Lack of support leads to family distress and disrupted placements, ultimately hurting both families and children.


  • Provide post-placement support and connection through locally-based small groups for parents & children, and encouragement through an annual conference created for foster, kinship, and adoptive parents.

  • Florida 1.27 delivers this solution through a partnership with Replanted Ministry, a best in class organization that understands the unique challenges that foster, adoptive, and kinship caregivers face. Connecting with groups across the U.S. and Canada, they have been able to help over a thousand families heal, connect, and thrive through on-going post-placement support.


Replanted provides a model for churches, organizations, and individuals to build support in their communities through:

  1. Replanted Small Groups (monthly gatherings)

  2. Replanted Conference (annual event)

The model is based on local partnerships, evidence-based solutions, and data-driven programming.